Great deals at Peppers Sentosa

A stay at this beautiful luxury villa estate provides more than just a gorgeous place to hang your hat.

The villas are beautiful, The Laneway restaurant at the front is a lively spot for delicious and reasonably priced food, the spa is a haven of luxury, the gym is a hot spot for local expats and then there is the pool. get connected, make friends, explore and enjoy luxurious privacy. The location at the centre of Petitengett means there are lots of places to explore by foot including La Luciola, Petitengett Bar and Restaurant, Hu’u Bar, Motel Mexicola, Urchin, Sea Circus, temples, the beach…wow. Get in quick to enjoy these discounts ‪#‎Seminyak‬ ‪#‎Balihubs‬ ‪#‎pepperssentosaseminyak‬ ‪#‎Balivillas‬ ‪#‎balideals‬ ‪#‎360bali‬

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